Our Mission
My mission is to help educate landowners about the limitless potential that lays hidden within their property boundaries. It is so easy to put the blinders on as hunters and land managers and never fully understand what we have in our own piece of dirt. But every property can be improved. Every landowner can experience more success. I get such a thrill out of seeing the eyes of landowners opened to the possibilities of what their land could be. I want to work with you to show you what those possibilities are. If you have any desire to see your land transformed, please reach out. I'm just a phone call or email away. I want to help be the catalyst for change you may need on your property!

Sam Tumburg
Habitat Consultant
My journey with whitetail hunting and all things habitat management began when I was young. I grew up on a 270 acre dairy farm in West Central Minnesota. From as far back as I can remember, I've been interested in deer hunting.
I can still recall those cold, November mornings where I anxiously waited at the window for my dad to get home from the deer stand. I also remember tagging along with dad to fix up stands, cut shooting lands, or plant food plots (AG fields).
My passion for the outdoors continued when I could finally buy my own deer tag. My first deer was a 5 point buck I shot in 1997 during a sneak walk through a large corn field. After a few years of rifle hunting I decided spending only one weekend a year hunting wasn’t enough.
At 15 I made the choice to stop playing football and dedicate my falls to bow hunting. It ended up being the right choice (and not just because I was a terrible football player). My third sit ever with a bow I was able to arrow a thirteen point buck. Needless to say I was hooked for life and the rest is history!
Since then I've had the good fortune to arrow several good bucks as well as foster and grow a passion for habitat management. Any excuse to be out in God's glorious creation spending time with my Creator is a good excuse in my book. Lord willing I'll be able to continue to grow and develop this passion for years to come!